Parco In Scena

PARCO IN SCENA – Stranizza d’amuri
[Public architecture design, 2016-under construction, Italy]
Project made together with arch. Donatella Incardona
Client: Municipality of Ragusa
PARCO IN SCENA – Stranizza d’amuri
Rehabilitation of the historic Villa Margherita urban park in Ragusa. This project includes an outdoor theater, a green path and a wood fence.
The outdoor stage ( 12 x 12 m) takes advantage of the existing steps, which are a perfect parterre; furthermore, the valley panorama turns into a natural backdrop. This stage will be the largest outdoor theater in Ragusa, perfect for shows during summer and spring seasons.
The shape of the wood fence is inspired by the waveform of the verse “Stranizza d’amuri”, included in the song “Stranizza d’Amuri“ by sicilian author Franco Battiato. Ideally, this fence is an immaginary connection between the “Vallone Santa Domenica” (Villa Margherita rests on this valley) and the “Vadduni da Scammacca” included in that poetic song.
Concretely, this fence is a sound shield, in order to cut the stage off from the car park and from the garden path. Moreover, it could be used as a wall/frame for exhibitions and/or as a notice board.
The green path will connect the two sides of the park, so everyone could sit down in the shade of the trees or enjoy the valley panorama.
CLICK HERE to download the brochure (only italian)
Ragusa Oggi 12/2016
Ragusa H24 12/2016
Corriere Quotidiano 12/2016
Voci di città 12/2016
Ragusa Oggi 12/2016