Vi capovolgo l’uomo…

Vi capovolgo l’uomo… e ve lo rimetto in sesto
di Salvo Guadagnino, Papiro Editrice
[Book Design, 2012 – Italy]
Client: Salvo Guadagnino
It was a real pleasure for me to design the artwork + shooting macro photographs for the 1st edition of Vi capovolgo l’uomo… e ve lo rimetto in sesto book.
Vi capovolgo l’uomo… e ve lo rimetto in sesto is written by Salvo Guadagnino.
This book is a scientific essay about potential and characteristics of the human tongue. It includes the GIO (Gravity Instinctive Opposition), an innovative method invented by the speech terapist Salvo Guadagnino in order to obtain the so called “resest muscolare”.